EU Sanctions 17 Ships that Carried Oil for Russia





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The European Union placed sanctions on more than two dozen vessels, including 17 that hauled oil for Moscow.

The sanctions follow similar steps taken by the UK, which included so-called dark fleet ships on a list of entities it sanctioned earlier this month.

Among the vessels to be sanctioned are the Robon, which last year was filmed transferring Russian oil miles away from the location it was signaling, and the Andromeda Star, which suffered a crash near Denmark earlier this year. The Robon has been stationed in the Baltic Sea ever since it was named by UK authorities.

Since its invasion of Ukraine, a fleet of several hundred ships has built up to service Russia’s oil exports. Those vessels often operate outside the oversight of industry-standard service providers, calling into question how safe they are.

The International Maritime Organization last year called on member states to prevent illegal operations by the shadow fleet through resolution A.1192(33). The EU cited that resolution for 11 of the vessels it sanctioned.

The sanctions prevent access to ports in Europe as well as the ability to sell, charter, operate or crew such a vessel. The measure also prohibits European operators from providing supplies and services such as insurance, brokering, financing and bunkering, as well as engage in ship-to-ship transfers or any other transfer of cargo with the vessels, or to get services from them.

A total of 27 ships were sanctioned, including two ships that store liquefied natural gas, and general cargo vessels that carried restricted goods or are linked to sanctioned entities. The list grew from an original proposal of a dozen ships and more vessels could be added in future sanctions packages.


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