‘Throwing Gold Bars Off The Titanic’: EPA Staffer Admits Funneling Billions To Climate Orgs Before Inauguration






Before Trump takes office, gloomy EPA staff scramble to distribute billions from ‘Biden’s climate law’ to favored climate groups.

veritas screencapIt’s a turbulent time at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), according to a current staffer, with morale at an all-time low. [emphasis, links added]

As President-Elect Trump readies to take office, gloomy EPA employees are scrambling to distribute funding for their favored climate change initiatives.

Brent Efron, a special advisor implementing Biden’s climate agenda, told Project Veritas the agency is frantically shoveling billions in grants to nonprofits, making sure that the Biden administration’s climate projects stay afloat — no matter who’s in charge.

Efron spoke to a Project Veritas investigative journalist about his role in doling out over $100 billion in grants to nonprofits under Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which he dubs “Biden’s climate law.

The EPA’s website describes these grants as part of their mission to advance “environmental and climate justice.”

Efron even admits that the EPA is scrambling to push money out the door for projects originally designed for a Kamala Harris presidency.

“The thing that we haven’t funded yet are [sic] the local nonprofit program that was going to be an inter-Kamala Harris administration program… so now we’re getting it [funding] out as quick as possible. It’s like two billion at this point, we’ve got most of it out – like 90%.”

So committed are these staffers, Efron confesses, that they plan to work right up until the final moments on inauguration day, rushing to ensure that every possible taxpayer dollar is disbursed before a Republican administration can turn off the spigot.

“It’s until the Trump people come in and tell us we can no longer give out money. That’s at the very earliest the 20th [January 2025]. But it’s probably a little bit after because they have to get in the building and tell people what to do.”

Efron predicts that the Trump administration will swiftly issue an order to block all grants, with Congress potentially trying to claw back the EPA’s funding.

Anticipating this, he reveals that the EPA has been working to funnel money to aligned nonprofits capable of implementing climate change policies at the local level, viewing it as an “insurance policy” against the upcoming Trump presidency.

“We gave them [nonprofits] the money because… it was an insurance policy against Trump winning. Because they aren’t [a government agency], they’re safer from Republicans taking the money away.”

Efron openly admits how the EPA uses nonprofits as a political buffer against Republican administrations—and reveals how he could later reap personal rewards with a cushy job at one of the nonprofits he helped fund during his tenure.

“Over the last year we’ve given out $50 billion dollars for climate things…so to go work for one of these places would be really cool.”

Indeed, the EPA’s website lists several pass-through nonprofits, each awarded between $50 million and $100 million, with the responsibility of distributing subgrants to other nonprofits—ensuring that Biden’s climate agenda keeps rolling, even after his presidency ends.

President-Elect Donald Trump has chosen former New York Congressman Lee Zeldin to lead the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), setting the stage for a dramatic shift in the nation’s environmental policy.

Zeldin, a staunch ally of Trump, will be tasked with executing Trump’s energy and environmental agenda—which includes dismantling Biden’s climate initiatives and potentially slashing millions in funding tied to the Inflation Reduction Act.

Efron and his colleagues are working feverishly until the shakeup.

“We’re throwing gold bars off the Titanic. We’re getting the money out.”

Utah Senator Mike Lee responded to Project Veritas’ investigation on X stating:

“The U.S. government is actively working to undermine the American people. We’ve empowered Washington to the point that it’s become dangerous and destructive. It’s too big, too expensive, and too powerful. We must return to constitutional government.”

Read more at Project Veritas


The post ‘Throwing Gold Bars Off The Titanic’: EPA Staffer Admits Funneling Billions To Climate Orgs Before Inauguration appeared first on Energy News Beat.


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