Keith Kellogg Had a Layman’s Understanding of the Wolfowitz Proxy War with Russia in Ukraine – All Putin has to do is nothing






Kellogg had a layman’s Understanding of the Russo-Ukraine War

Many people across social media platforms realized that Keith Kellogg’s name had been left off of President Trump’s list of advisors and envoys scheduled to meet in Moscow this week to discuss terms of ending the Ukraine war.

Just about everyone was surprised except for the Energy News Beat audience since Stuart Turley and I had been explaining the “Russian Natural Gas and Global Realignment” topic in terms of the history of Sea Power versus Land Power Grand strategies since November of 2023.

But after Kellogg’s plan was pushed forward after the November elections Stuart and I began to explain why Kellogg’s plan to “deal with Putin from a position of strength” was dead on arrival.

Kellogg’s plan was a complete non-starter because the EU and NATO were specifically moved Eastward to block all Russian trade from entering the European market. The EU and NATO achieved success when the last Gazprom contract expired on December 31st.

From that point forward,  all natural gas flowing into Europe by pipeline was going through Turkiye and Erdogan had a monopoly position. Energy prices soared during the Winter and the prices of energy that had been rising since the sabotage of Nordstream were rising even more and further accelerating the industrial collapse of Europe. This was occurring to such an extent that the EU and the CDU/CSU considered renewing a contract with Gazprom in early February through the sole Nordstream pipeline that is still intact.

The EU and the CDU/CSU are desperate

The meaning was clear, the EU, and the CDU/CSU party in Germany needed affordable Russian natural gas from Gazprom to save their political institutional viability. It begged the question why would Putin renew any Gazprom contracts with the EU and the CDU/CSU in Germany when it would be to their advantage to do nothing and let the populist parties in Germany and across Central Europe rise up and replace the WEF-backed politicians?

After all, the populist parties want to rid themselves of the EU and NATO and form an energy partnership with Gazprom again. Why would Putin do something to prevent that from occurring?

Or, if the WEF-backed politicians could somehow retain their grip on power through the use of mass media censorship, USAID and NED color revolutions, and lawfare of rival political parties, then why wouldn’t Putin just let Germany’s and Europe’s leading sector industries go out of business and then buy them in a bulk sale?

Bulk sale purchases of bankrupt automotive and high-end consumer products companies and moving the equipment and the key personnel to Russia would accelerate their economic modernization and development programs. It would make sense for Putin to ignore all Western politicians and let that happen—the faster the better.

All Putin has to do is nothing

As we discussed in the previous papers, all Putin has to do is nothing, and the EU and NATO either decline or collapse completely during Trump’s watch, leading to the worst-case scenario where the Democrats win the House and the Senate in the 2026 midterms, impeach Trump, and then cruise to victory in the 2028 general elections, where they could win back the White House and both House of Congress and outlaw all populist party candidates and attain the single-party socialist state.

The WEF-backed political leaders are already talking about outlawing populist candidates across Europe and the WEF-backed politicians in the US continually lawfare and censor Trump and his supporters in every way possible over the last several years.  It leads to the further question that since the UK, Europe, Canada, and the US are committing financial, economic, and cultural suicide as described by Douglas Murray’s “Strange Death of Europe” with the delusional neoconservative and neoliberal Mackinderish “strategies of containment,” combined with the Green New Deal Net Zero policies, then why would Putin (or Xi) try to stop that?

The best move for Putin would be to simply “do nothing” and let any of those scenarios occur. It is for this gross misunderstanding that Kellogg’s “peace through strength” strategy of bullying Putin and applying more sanctions against Russia and all of its trading partners is so absurd that Kellogg’s plan was cast aside for Witkoff’s plan, whatever that is. It isn’t just that the EU and the CDU/CSU want to be saved by Putin, but to some extent, Trump needs to work a deal to save his overhaul of the US, and the Anglosphere Five Eyes Countries along with Europe.

The discussion in Moscow will not be over the method of saving the WEF Globalist class, it will probably be a discussion of how to overhaul the US and Europe from the neoconservatives, neoliberals, and the Green New Deal Left that are hell-bent on “transforming America” into a socialist utopia—not merely the discussion of the ending of the Russo-Ukraine war.

George McMillan III, Copyright © February 12, 2025


Part 3: Understanding the Catastrophic Downside Risk of the Kellogg Plan and Exploring Alternatives

Part 2: Why Keith Kellogg’s Plan is DOA: Shifting the Global Political Center of Gravity Part 2

Part 1: Why Keith Kellogg’s Plan is DOA: Avoiding the Catastrophic Downside Risk of Russo-Ukraine Negotiations


The post Keith Kellogg Had a Layman’s Understanding of the Wolfowitz Proxy War with Russia in Ukraine – All Putin has to do is nothing appeared first on Energy News Beat.


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