The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 3: The Abandonment of the Scientific Project in the Social Sciences and the Decline of the West






George McMillan III, Copyright © June 23, 2024/August 9, 2024

Introduction—Changing the University Curricula

The purpose of beginning this series of the “Seven P Plan” short papers is to provide a quick bottom line up-front overview of “what” has occurred in the University system itself and its impact on Western society at large since the 1940s. This series of papers will continue to explain “how the university system got woke” and replaced the old-school “real theories” of human behavior” (See G C Homans, in Handbook of Modern Sociology, edited by Faris, 1964) with fashionable nonsense (Bricmont and Sokal, 1997).

The important thing to understand is that the Frankfurt School and the New Left used Dewey’s emphasis on transitioning the Discipline of Philosophy from focusing on the nomos-physis distinction of the Ancient Greeks concerning the difference between “the laws of man” versus “the laws of nature,” or “the ideologies of man” versus “the realities of human nature,” and focus on social justice activism and social equity instead.

Dewey also argued the that discipline of philosophy should adopt the scientific method and use it to advance social justice advocacy. However, the effect of this was that the Frankfurt School abandoned both the nomos-physis distinction and the scientific method because the two concepts are inextricably linked in comparative political and economic ideological systems theory. The Left wanted to avoid performing autopsies on failed Marxist communist and socialist experiments as the Cold War progressed because the scientific comparison between ideological systems would lead an investigator to discard the Rousseau, Marx, and Engels thought lineage and gravitate toward a Montesquieu, Hume and Adam Smith thought lineage.

Following this line of reasoning, the Frankfurt School and the New Left abandoned both the nomos-physis distinction in the discipline of philosophy regarding ultimate causation, and the scientific method in comparative ideological systems theory in the areas of political, economic, and geopolitical development theory regarding proximate causation in the social sciences.

The Frankfurt School gradually replaced the nomos-physis distinction and the scientific project in the philosophical and social sciences with critical race and gender theory, combined with the “repressive tolerance” tactic to justify the shouting down of conservative thinkers on college campuses.

The effect was that the real theories of human behavior were discarded in both the micro behavioral studies areas of evolutionary theory and psychology, as well as the macro social scientific areas of political, economic, and geopolitical theory. (See John Harsanyi, “Rational-Choice Models of Political Behavior vs. Functionalist and Conformist Theories,” World Politics, 1969)

In other words, the Frankfurt school discarded the two-gender domain-specific frameworks in evolutionary and psychological theory in the micro-behavioral end of the spectrum and discarded the free market, political, economic, and geopolitical world-view theory in the macro end of the behavioral spectrum as well.

The purpose of this slide set series is to explain how and why the Left abandoned the scientific project that Tooby and Cosmides explained in “The Psychological Foundations of Culture” published in The Adapted Mind in 1992.

The Standard Social Scientific Model now expresses the fashionable nonsense of “critical gender and race theory”, combined with the “repressive tolerance” tactics of Marcuse discussed in The Critique of Pure Tolerance published in 1965 with Robert Wolff and Barrington Moore.

The themes were advanced by Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals (1971) and Jean Sharp in the three-part trilogy The Politics of Non-Violent Action: Power and Struggle, The Politics of Non-Violent Action: The Methods of Non-Violent Action, and The Politics of Non-Violent Action: The Dynamics of Non-Vilent Action released in series in 1973.

These works gave rise to the postmodernism of Foucault and the deconstructionism of Derrida in one sense and became the basis of the color revolutions sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development and the National Endowment of Democracy abroad, and the use of these tactics in the Antifa-BLM “peaceful protests” that were anything but non-violent and peaceful during the 2020 election cycle in the United States.

The use of these tactics during the post 9/11/2001 Global War in Terror era has led to the destabilization of several countries in North Africa in 2011 and has been used to remove and/or harass democratically elected politicians in Central Europe since the 2014 Euromaidan Revolution in Ukraine. The United States is now associated with interfering in the elections of other countries and proxy wars across Europe and Asia.

The Constructive-Destructive Real Theories of Behavior

Amidst the chaos of repressive tolerance and the nonsense of critical gender and race theory, few people realized that the “real theories of human behavior” were developed by a combination of domain-specific theories of Freud (1922), Rogers (1951 and 1961), Maslow (1954 and 1962), and Fromm’s overarching “productive versus sadomasochistic” dichotomy published in The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (1972) merge with the macro theories of Aristotle’s Six Forms of Government and Economic growth theory by Seymour Lipset (1959), that can be advanced to meet the criteria of George Caspar Homans (in Robert Feris, Handbook of Modern Sociology, (1964), John Harsanyi in Essays on Ethics and Game Theory (1971) and Herbert Gintis in “Game Theory and a Unification of the Behavioral Sciences” (2006) and The Bounds of Reason: Game Theory and the Unification of the Behavioral Sciences (2009).

In short, the core-periphery of theorizing in psychological personality theories (see Salvatore Maddi, Personality Theories: A Comparative Analysis, 1971), produced enough constructive versus destructive behavioral dynamic frameworks in the five major topical areas of evolutionary, psychological, political, economic, and geopolitical theory to place the entire range of the philosophical and social sciences into a singular dual-independent variable Cartesian-style model.

The research design follows both Baconian scientific principles and Pareto linear programming optimization and minimization standards of understanding trade-offs and opportunity costs of policy choices. (Harsanyi 1969 reprinted in Harsanyi 1971)

In retrospect, the Left discarded the constructive versus destructive behavioral dynamic models in psychological fulfillment theory and the macro social sciences by the 1980s to such an extent that by 2006 Herbert Gintis argued in “Game Theory and the Unification of the Behavioral Sciences” (2006) that (a) neither the common methodology nor (b) the compatible frameworks existed to (c) unify the behavioral sciences.

The reality is that all the ingredients required to extend Tooby and Cosmides Integrated Causal Model concept across the full spectrum of the philosophical and social sciences and supersede the logically incoherent Standard Social Scientific Model has existed since the 1970s.

All of the ‘constructive versus destructive’ behavioral dynamic frameworks in psychology, merge with Aristolte’s ‘Proper and Perverted’ Government Form macro behavioral theory, which merges with the ‘virtuous versus vicious’ ‘growth versus nongrowth’ cycles in economic theory, and then linked to More Developed Country (MDC) and Less Developed Country (LDC) outcomes advancing the format expressed by Seymour Lipset in “Some Social Requisites for Democracy” published in 1959.

The Frankfurt School discarded all the accurate theories of human behavior during the Cold War to mask the failures associated with Marxist experiments while continually rebranding Leftism. The Seven Ps will be explained to express this historical reality.

The Significance of the Seven Ps

(1) The “Professor P” refers to the replacement of the traditional Judeo-Christianity and Ancient Greek Political Philosophy with Leftist literature in the University system. In doing so, the Left has discarded all theories of human behavior that are evolutionary, politically, economically, and geopolitically stable strategies.

(2) The “Prosecutor P” refers to the practice of replacing all free-market curricula in the pre-law and law school programs that protect private property and capitalist modes of production. The goal is to only hire and promote progressive “social-justice” oriented attorneys in all local, state, and Federal level prosecutorial and judicial positions following the direction of John Dewey. The goal is to ameliorate the Ten Amendments to ban conservative curricula in the private sphere as well as to mitigate conservative resistance.

(3) The “Police P” refers to the replacement of traditional training curricula and placement of social justice progressives in all police, military, and intelligence community “gun carrying” positions to expedite the “transformation of America” and overcome any resistance from the conservative and working classes.

(4) The role of the “Politician P” is to advance all progressive welfare state policies, and expedite the control over the other Ps.

(5) The “Press P” refers to the practice of promoting Dewey’s focus on social justice activism and Rousseau’s disdain for property rights and marital rites to promote feminist and Leftist ideals in all mass communications mediums. In practice, failed Marxist programs are not discussed to protect the notion of Socialist bureaucratic infallibility. Dissenters are to be discredited. Leftists have turned Marxism into a religion.

(6) The “Priest P” refers to the reshaping of the curricula of as many theological schools as possible to promote feminist matriarchal family structure values and displace traditional Abrahamic Patriarchal conceptions of the family. The Left promotes the idea of equality between varying degrees of pair bonding and conceptions of the family. However, these conceptions of “love” are not to be discussed in terms of Maynard Smith’s concepts of evolutionary stable strategies.

(7) The “Parental P”—the goal of the Rousseau-Marx-Engels thought lineage is to replace the Abrahamic Patriarchal system with a single-parent matriarchal family unit. The parents are to be superseded by the preschool through the high school educational system.

The “Why Experts are Democrats” is posted below. The series of papers explaining why the vast majority are charlatans is expressed in the other papers in this series.



For everything written by George McMillan for Energy News Beat, check out his landing page here:

The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 1: The Transformation of America into a Single-Party Socialist State
The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 2: The Departure from Evolutionary Stable Strategies and the Demographic Collapse of the West and Their Pacific Rim Allies





The post The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 3: The Abandonment of the Scientific Project in the Social Sciences and the Decline of the West appeared first on Energy News Beat.


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