Geneva Dry Dialogues: Manta Marine Technologies






Ina Reksten, who runs Norwegian vessel optimisation specialist Manta Marine Technologies, acknowledges many of her clients are struggling to meaningfully translate all the data heading their way.

“It sounds straight forward, but a good outcome requires not only strong programming skills and setting data parameters, but also understanding of how a vessel operates, knowledge on how charter contracts are structured and close collaboration with the customer,” she says.

Reksten’s recommended approach is to first establish a routine for using her systems for operational efficiency. Once there is sufficient data collected, then Manta can move into more sophisticated analyses to allow customers to use the data for strategic decision making and tailor-made reporting.

“There are a lot of different solutions out there and an enormous amount of data available,” Reksten concedes.

Based on discussions with her customers, Reksten advises owners to understand and be able to measure and report that any new technology delivers as intended, and not just in monetary terms, but also in terms of reducing emissions.

“One of the difficulties we see with any new technology is the methods of performance validation towards the customer,” Reksten says, useful advice, and something that will, no doubt, be shared on April 29 when the Norwegian moderates Geneva Dry’s Digital Efficiency Drivers At Sea session, a power hour looking at how digitalisation can enhance dry bulk shipping operations to the benefit of both shipowners and charterers. This quick-fire session aims to eliminate some of the myths surrounding digital miracles at sea, while highlighting projects that are making a genuine impact and providing advice for potential customers in terms of selecting tech partners.

Geneva Dry brings together all elements of the commodities shipping sector to host the ultimate dry bulk shipping event.

Split into sectors, panels will bring together analysts, financiers, miners, traders and shipowners to discuss where the markets are headed. Sessions include:
– Minor Bulks
– Agri-commodities
– Coal
– Iron Ore
– Decarbonisation

Companies attending include 2020 Bulkers, Anglo American, Ariston Navigation, Bahri Dry Bulk, BPG Shipping Company, Cargill, Cetus Maritime, CMA CGM, Cobelfret, Copenhagen Commercial Platform, CTM, d’Amico Dry, Devbulk, Drydel Shipping, Eastern Mediterranean Maritime, Eastmen Shipping Co., Enesel, Eramet, Fednav, G2 Ocean, Heidelberg Materials Trading, Himalaya Shipping, JJ Ugland, Kaizen Ship Management, KC Maritime, Mandarin Shipping, Marfin Management, Montfort Trading, Neptune Maritime Leasing, Norbulk Shipping, Nova Marine Carriers, Oceanbulk Maritime, Orion Reederei, Precious Shipping, Range Shipping, Seanergy Maritime Holdings, Star Bulk, SwissMarine, Taylor Maritime Investments, TMA Bulk, Trafigura, Triton Bulk, United Maritime Corporation, Vale, Valiant Shipping, V.Group, Wah Kwong Maritime Transport Holdings, and Western Bulk.

The full Geneva Dry agenda can be accessed here.
Geneva Dry registration, at just $780, can be accessed here.
Special Geneva Dry hotel room rates can be found here.

The post Geneva Dry Dialogues: Manta Marine Technologies appeared first on Energy News Beat.


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