Shell picks TDI-Brooks for survey off Nigeria






UK-based supermajor Shell has awarded a contract for a series of 2D ultra high-resolution seismic site surveys and pipeline route assessments off Nigeria to US-based offshore surveyor TDI-Brooks and local firm Compass Survey.

The contract is for the acquisition of conventional geophysical data and high-resolution seismic imaging to assess potential hazards, ensure safe well site clearances, and optimal pipeline route planning.

The project will be conducted using TDI-Brooks’ survey vessel Proteus. The primary objective of the project is to identify potential drilling hazards and risks along the proposed pipeline route, ensuring safe and efficient offshore development while minimizing environmental and operational risks.

The Proteus will be working in Nigeria until the third quarter of this year on various survey projects.

The US firm has several vessels operating offshore Africa. The Nautilus is working on a deepwater geotechnical project off the coast of Namibia while the Gyre is working on a range of environmental and geotechnical projects in Northwest Africa.

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